Safety Officer Working in Security Office.

Public Safety

The safety and security of our students, employees and visitors is of the utmost importance. In order to stay true to our mission, it's necessary for us to provide safe and secure learning environment on campus.

Hwy 10 Construction Updates


Emergency Call 911

Public Safety Office - Mobile

COVID Health Questions & Concerns

Cliff Anderson, Director of Public Safety

Anoka Police Department - Non-Emergency

MN Dept of Health

Poison Control

Mission of Public Safety Office

The Anoka Tech Public Safety staff provide a professional, proactive safety and security resources community. Our duty is to support Anoka Tech’s mission, goals, and core values by securing, monitoring, enforcing and providing administrative and environmental health and safety resources to the college while offering visibility to the community, coordination of safety related activities and training for all Anoka Tech constituents, and acting as a liaison with local emergency services. We are committed to individuals, traditions, and diversity on our campus and will work to create a safe environment where all can live, work, and pursue academic success.

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