Procedure 3.8.1 Grading
Per ATC Policy 3.8 Grading, a grade of Incomplete ("I") denotes incomplete work because of unavoidable circumstances. An Incomplete grade must be made up under a schedule arranged with the instructor.
To document this schedule, complete the following steps:
1. The student and the instructor complete and sign one "Agreement of Incomplete Grade" form for each course. The agreement specifically describes the work the student must complete to fulfill the course requirements and the agreed-upon completion date. This form can be found on the "S" Drive > FORMS > FACULTY FORMS > AGREEMENT OF INCOMPLETE GRADE
2. The student and the instructor retain a copy for their records.
3. The instructor forwards the completed form to the Records Office by the grading deadline.
4. If the course requires D2L, the instructor emails to request that the student be granted access to a prior semester course.
5. The student does not register or pay for the course again.
6. When the student has completed the required work, the instructor submits a grade change through faculty eServices.
"I" grades submitted by an instructor without an "Agreement of Incomplete Grade" will be recorded as an "F".
12.2018 Adopted