Policy 3.14: Attendance
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend and participate in all classes and lab sessions in which they are enrolled. Student contribution, including expectations for attendance, will be included in the course syllabus for each course. This will be given to the student on the first day of the course.
Absenteeism may affect the student’s grade because of missed instruction. Course material and/or tests missed as a result of the student’s absence may be made up at the discretion of the instructor. Students may be placed on a Student Academic Success Plan when absences hinder the student’s academic progress.
Students who register for a class and stop attending or fail to attend without officially dropping or withdrawing will be held responsible for payment and receive a grade for the class:
- A grade of FN will be recorded for courses a student fails to attend without officially dropping. This grade is assigned as a result of faculty last date of attendance (LDA).
- A grade of FW will be recorded for courses in which a student stops attending class without officially withdrawing. This grade is assigned as a result of faculty LDA reporting.
Prior to the course withdrawal deadline, students may visit the Office of Records and Registration to change an FN or FW grade to a W (withdrawal). The last date of attendance that was reported by faculty will remain unchanged, so the impact of the LDA on the student’s financial aid award for that semester will remain unchanged, as well.
Readmission to Class
A student who has been removed from class through the LDA process and received an FN grade may request reentry into the class by contacting the instructor for the course. Readmission to the class is not guaranteed and is at the instructor’s discretion. A student who is readmitted and does not meet the attendance requirements of the course should be again removed from the class through the LDA process.
Class Attendance: Class attendance is defined as being physically present and an active participant in the classroom.
Online Class Attendance: Class attendance in online courses is defined as having submitted an assignment, taken a quiz, or posted/made a course content-related comment on the discussion/chat board for the course in which the student is registered.
04.2016 Adopted