Procedure 1A.2.4 Delegation of Authority
The President is authorized to delegate authority. Delegation or rescindment of authority is generated by the Business office by completing Minnesota State form 016.
Delegation of Authority is specific and customized to each individual, and is determined by position, oversight responsibility, length of service, and other considerations. The Business Office maintains a guide that may be used as a base line for identifying individuals for such a responsibility and delegation limits. Modifications, increasing or rescinding authority, may be made at any time by the President.
Duly completed form 016 is signed by the employee and the President and forwarded to the Business Office Manager who functions as the recorder and repository for these delegations and confirms audit controls with the System Office.
Delegation of Authority remain in effect until:
- The president so chooses to rescind authority.
- The authorization is for a defined project.
- The college engages the service of a new president.
- Minnesota State engages the services of a new chancellor.
01.2015 Aligned
08.2017 Technical change: MnSCU to Minnesota State