Policy 1A.8: Drug Free Campus
Policy 1A.8: Environmental Health and Safety: Anoka Technical College Drug Free Campus Policy
State of Compliance
Anoka Technical College adheres to the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (DFSCA), 34CFR.86, CFR 668.14, and Minnesota State Board Policy 5.18 which prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students and employees on the college premises, or in conjunction with any college-sponsored activity or event, whether on- or off-campus. In accordance with federal regulations, this policy is printed in the Student Handbook, which is distributed annually to every student and employee and included with the annual Campus Crime and Security Report, which is available to every student and employee on the ATC Web site at www.anokatech.edu. The college conducts a biennial review of this policy to determine the effectiveness of this policy and to ensure that disciplinary sanctions for violating standards of conduct are enforced consistently.
Standards of Conduct
- No student or employee shall manufacture, sell, give away, barter, deliver, exchange, or distribute; or possess with the intent to manufacture, sell, give away, barter, deliver, exchange, or distribute a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia while involved in a college-sponsored activity or event, on- or off-campus.
- No student or employee shall possess a controlled substance, except when the possession is for that person’s own use, and is authorized by law while involved in a college-sponsored activity or event, on- or off-campus.
- No student shall report to campus, and no employee shall report to work while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, except as prescribed by a physician, which affects alertness, coordination, reaction, response, judgment, decision-making, or safety.
- Except as allowed by Minnesota State Board Policy 5.18, the possession, use, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages and 3.2% malt liquor at ATC and at ATC-sponsored events if prohibited.
Legal Sanctions
Federal and state sanctions for illegal possession of controlled substances range from up to one year imprisonment and up to $100,000 in fines for a first offense, to three years imprisonment and $250,000 in fines for repeat offenders. Additional penalties include forfeiture of personal property and the denial of federal student aid benefits. Under federal laws, trafficking in drugs such as heroin or cocaine may result in sanctions up to and including life imprisonment for a first offense involving 100 g or more. Fines for such an offense can reach $8 million. First offenses involving lesser amounts, 10-99 g, may result in sanctions up to and including 20 years imprisonment and fines of up to $4 million. A first offense for trafficking in marijuana may result in up to five years imprisonment and fines up to $500,000 for an offense involving less than 50 kg, and up to life imprisonment and fines up to $8 million for an offense involving 1,000 kg or more.
The State of Minnesota may impose a wide range of sanctions for alcohol-related violations. For example, driving while intoxicated (blood alcohol content of .10 or more) may result in a $700 fine, 90 days in jail, and/or revocation of driver’s license for 30 days.
Possession of alcohol under age 21 or use of false identification to purchase alcohol results in a $100 fine. Furnishing alcohol to persons under 21 is punishable by up to a $3,000 fine and/or one year imprisonment.
Although the use of marijuana is legal for those 21 years old and older in the State of Minnesota, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Campus Security Act, and prohibited under Board Policy 5.18 Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances on Campus. Therefore, the use, possession, transport, production, manufacture, and distribution of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student or employee is on college or university owned or controlled property or any function authorized or controlled by the college or university.
Health Risks
ATC facilities and vehicles are tobacco-free. Use of any tobacco products is permitted ONLY in the designated area in the courtyard outside the Student Center.
Alcohol. Alcohol consumption causes a number of changes in behavior and physiology. Even low doses significantly impair judgment, coordination, and abstract mental functioning. Statistics show that alcohol use is involved in a majority of violent behaviors on college campuses, including acquaintance rape, vandalism, fights, and incidents of drinking and driving. Continued abuse may lead to dependency, which often causes permanent damage to vital organs and deterioration of a healthy lifestyle.
Amphetamines. Amphetamines can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, headaches, depression, damage to the brain and lungs, tremors, loss of coordination, collapse, and death. Heavy users are prone to irrational acts.
Cocaine/Crack. Cocaine users often have a stuffy, runny nose and may have a perforated nasal septum. The immediate effects of cocaine use include dilated pupils and elevated blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature, paranoia and depression. Cocaine is extremely addictive and can cause delirium, hallucinations, blurred vision, severe chest pain, muscle spasms, psychosis, convulsions, stroke and even death.
Hallucinogens. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) causes illusions and hallucinations. The user may experience panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, and loss of control. Delayed effects, or flashbacks, can occur even when use has ceased. Phencyclidine (PCP) affects the section of the brain that controls the intellect and keeps instincts in check. Hallucinogens can cause liver damage, convulsion, coma and even death.
Marijuana. Marijuana may impair or reduce short-term memory and comprehension, alter sense of time, and reduce coordination and energy level. Users often have a lowered immune system and an increased risk of lung cancer. Users also experience interference with psychological maturation and temporary loss of fertility.
The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, is stored in the fatty tissues of the brain and reproductive system for a minimum of 28 to 30 days.
Methamphetamines. Methamphetamines, known as speed, meth, ice, glass, etc., have a high potential for abuse and dependence. Taking even small amounts may produce irritability, insomnia, confusion, tremors, convulsions, anxiety, paranoia, and aggressiveness. Methamphetamine users may experience symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, a severe movement disorder.
Narcotics. Narcotics such as codeine, heroin or other opiate drugs cause the body to have diminished pain reactions. The use of heroin can result in coma or death due to a reduction in heart rate.
Steroids. Steroid users experience a sudden increase in muscle and weight and an increase in aggression and combativeness. Steroids can cause high blood pressure, liver and kidney damage, heart disease, sterility and prostate cancer.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Students or employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. The severity of the sanctions will be appropriate to the violation. Sanctions including, but not limited to: official reprimand, restitution, completion of a rehabilitation program, community service, suspension, expulsion and/or reporting to local law enforcement will be imposed on students who violate the preceding standards of conduct. Sanctions, consistent with existing contracts, up to and including termination of employment, will be imposed on employees who violate the preceding standards of conduct.
Educational and Treatment Programs
- ATC periodically provides information and training to employees and students to foster a drug and alcohol-free environment. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program information is available on our Student Consumer Information webpage, under “Health and Safety”: http://www.anokatech.edu/en/AboutATC/Disclosures
- A counselor is available to assist students in dealing with personal concerns that might interfere with their academic work while at ATC. Services are free and confidential and can be arranged by contacting the Student Services office at (763) 576.4850.
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all Minnesota State employees. EAP can assist employees by providing a professional assessment of a possible alcohol or drug problem. The mission of EAP is to provide confidential, accessible services to individual employees and state agencies in order to restore and strengthen the health and productivity of employees and the workplace. For additional information, contact the Human Resources Department.
- Community area substance abuse treatment center referrals include:
Anoka/Metro Regional Treatment Center
3301 – 7th Avenue North, Cronin Building, Anoka, MN 55303
Grace Counseling Services
16525 NE Highway 65, Andover, MN 55304
(763) 413-8838
Hazelden Foundation
15245 Pleasant Valley Road, Center City, MN 55012
(651) 257-4010
New Connection Programs Outpatient Treatment
10267 University Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55434
Recovery Plus Rum River Outpatient Program
508 South 2nd Street, Princeton, MN 55371
(763) 389-5080
Transformation House
1410 South Ferry Street, Anoka, MN 55303l
(763) 427-7155
Unity Hospital Substance Abuse Services
550 Osborne Road, 2E, Minneapolis, MN 55432
(763) 236-4522
Find additional information at www.nida.nih.gov and www.findtreatment.samhsa.gov
Dissemination Policy Statement & Procedure
Anoka Technical College is committed to providing comprehensive alcohol and drug prevention materials to students and employees. Materials will be distributed to each employee and to each student who is taking one or more classes for any type of academic credit (except for continuing education units) regardless of the length of the student’s program of study. The College’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention materials shall be compiled into a resource document and disseminated to students and employees on at least an annual basis.
The College shall distribute materials electronically to students and employees at least annually. As new students enroll, an email communication disseminating the College’s drug and alcohol prevention program materials will occur using the Minnesota State Communications Module.
The College will disseminate drug and alcohol abuse prevention materials to students electronically via email at least annually. Re-occurring emails will be set to automatically send the communications to students as they are admitted and an email address is generated. Human Resources shall, upon hire, make employees aware of the drug and alcohol abuse prevention plan and resources. Additionally, an email communication will be sent to all employees twice per year.
The College’s plan shall be available year round, posted on the College’s student consumer information web page and in hard copy in the President’s Office on campus. Additionally, the direct electronic address shall be printed in the Annual Security Report (annually distributed), Student Handbook (for student access) and College Catalog (employee access). For prospective students and employees, links to the information is available in the “notes” of the College’s Net Price Calculator and in job postings.
Biennial Review Policy Statement & Procedure
The College shall conduct annual reviews, rather than less frequent biennial reviews, of its drug and alcohol prevention program to determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed. Review of incidents reported on campus where alcohol and drugs were present or abuse was noted, will occur annually to ensure that sanctions are consistently enforced. Additionally, the College’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention resource document shall be reviewed to ensure the following components, at a minimum, are incorporated:
- Information on preventing drug and alcohol abuse;
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the school’s property, or as part of the school’s activities;
- A description of the sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
- A description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs available to students and employees;
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol; and
- A clear statement that the school will impose sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct (consistent with local, state, and federal law) and a description of these sanctions, up to and including expulsion, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution. A disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.
The Health & Safety Taskforce, on behalf of the College, shall ensure students and/or employees are surveyed to evaluate the effectiveness of drug and alcohol abuse prevention programming offered on campus. The information derived from the surveys shall inform the annual evaluation of programming efforts and subsequent recommendations for changes to programming.
The Health & Safety Taskforce, on behalf of the College, shall obtain lists of drug and alcohol related incidents reported on campus from Public Safety & Security, Human Resources (if applicable), and Student Code of Conduct/Title IX Coordinator. Incidents shall be reviewed to ensure sanctions are consistently enforced. Representatives of the review taskforce include but are not limited to: Dean of Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator, Public Safety & Security Director, and Financial Aid Director.
The completed review shall be presented to Cabinet for approval by Cabinet and/or the President.
Reviewed: May 29, 2008 AFW
08.2017 Technical change: MnSCU to Minnesota State
04.2018 Student Consumer Information webpage added under “resources” and Dissemination & Biennial Review Policy Statements added
10.2023 Revised language to incorporate changes in Minnesota statute regarding cannabis